Jean Gillon

Jean Gillon was a multiple artist: caricaturist, stage design, sculptor and painter, he got fame as an architect, decorator, modern furniture design and tapestry creator.

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He was born in 1919, in Iasi, Romania, and graduated in Faculdade de Belas Artes e Arquitetura. He arrived in Brazil in 1956 with an international experience, and went to live in São Paulo. In 1958, he decided to produce furniture for his decoration projects and, later on, to Adorno stores. From 1964, he dedicated himself to international marketing, and participated of some fairs and exhibitions, sending his works to 22 countries. In his furniture, he always looks for three qualities: functionality, comfort and beauty.

In 1968, he got national and international success because of the originality and innovation when he used nylon nets in his armchair Jangada, awarded by Movesp in 1991. In 1992, he got the title of professional of the year by ABD.